The skill development of personnel and with that the upliftment of people was made
easier since a training center housed within the SUPERB BUILDING complex was
established. This center is dedicated to training in cash register systems, advanced
computer based point of sale applications and BackOffice control software.
SUPERB's company objective has always been to offer top class software and
hardware and at the same time provide employer and employees with the appropriate
training to ensure competent, effective and efficient use of our products.
We also offer courses to re-sellers, end-users, waiters, cashiers, operators and
managers within the hospitality and retail industry.
SUPERB's experience and expertise together with our innovative, easy to use business
solutions provide management information needed in today's modern high competitive markets.
We promote good customer service with assistance, advice and consulting in all
aspects of Hardware and Software, training and software upgrades.
Our four-point strategy has in the past and will undoubtedly in the future ensure that our
customers get the maximum performance out of their products.